Physical education teacher candidates know and apply discipline-specific scientific and theoretical concepts critical to the development of physically educated individuals.
Element 1.5: Analyze and correct critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts
Artifact: PED 201 Lab 4 write up
Date: Spring 2011
For the dinosaur lab at St. Mary’s I had to analyze the overhand throw and the catch. As far as the throw the two students I observed performed all the elements correctly. Larry and Michelle flexed the elbows and hands were in front of their bodies, arms were extended in preparation for ball contact, ball is caught and controlled by the hands, and elbows were bent to absorb force. During the overhand throw, Michelle transferred weight by stepping with the foot opposite of her throwing hand and her follow through was released across her body diagonally toward her side opposite her throwing arm. However she didn’t perform a correct windup and there was no rotation of the hip and shoulder where her body faced an imaginary target. Larry didn’t rotate his hip and shoulder to face his target.
PED 201 – Professor Yang
Lab 4 - Object Control
Name: George Steck Date: April 13, 2011 Lab Group Day and #: Wednesday MonStars
A. To observe the interaction between Cortland students and St. Mary’s students.B. Complete Observation and Reflection from Task A Worksheet.
C. Complete Chart (TGMD-2) Overhand and Catching Checklist.
D. Complete Chart (Gallahue Checklist) on Overhand Throw. (If time permits)
1. Reflecting on your experience so far at St Mary’s, what do you think have been some difficulties or challenges you have faced? Consider all areas – environment, children, etc.
The most difficult part of St. Mary’s i’ve experienced so far would be keeping the children interested, especially the older kids. The older kids are more interested in playing a game then they are listening to rules so making rules more simplistic has been easier said than done as it pertains to making games for them. It’s just a matter of patience and never letting them over run you to the point where you can’t get a game done. In the gymnasium it’s hard to keep children interested as well because there’s so much action going on in there the majority of the time that sometimes i find myself distracted.
2. What ideas/suggestions do you have to resolve the difficulties or challenges that you wrote about in #1?
First thing is i’ve been attempting to dim down the rules that way i get the most attention out of the older kids when it comes to games. Keeping my voice projected will allow me to keep attention of the majority of the students bu it’s also important to do he little things like asking them the objectives of the game i just explained to ensure that they are focused on me. I think buying a whistle would be my main priority because if all else fails why not blow on a whistle and make sure the children know there’s a game going on.
MOTOR DEVELOPMENT LAB- Object Control Skills
TGMD-2: Test for Gross Motor Development- Second Edition- Revised
Name of Students (first names only):_______Larry_____/_______Michelle_______
Ages: __6___/___6___
Gender: ____M___/____F____
Skill | Materials | Directions | Performance Criteria | Child 1 | Child 2 |
1. Overhand Throw | Use a clear space, you can use a variety of yarn balls, tennis balls, etc. | During a game or activity, watch a student throw. Tell the student to throw the ball as best as they can. | 1. A downward arc of the throwing arm initiates the windup. | Y | N |
2. Rotation of hip and shoulder to a point where non-dominant side faces an imaginary target. | N | N | |||
3. Weight is transferred by stepping with the foot opposite the throwing hand. | Y | Y | |||
4. Follow-through beyond ball release diagonally across body toward side opposite throwing arm. | Y | Y | |||
2. Catch | Use a clear space, you can use a sponge ball or something soft depending on the individual. | During a game or activity, watch a student catch. Try tossing the ball underhand directly to the student with a slight arc and tell him/her to catch it with your hands. Only count those tosses that are between the student’s shoulders and waist. | 1. Preparation phase where elbows are flexed and hands are in front of the body. | Y | Y |
2. Arms extend in preparation for ball contact. | Y | Y | |||
3. Ball is caught and controlled by hands only. | Y | Y | |||
4. Elbows bend to absorb force. | Y | Y |